HGU-9/P helmet
Article on Flightgear On-Line

Message 202:
Hi Steve. My understanding is that the HGU-9/P was designed for use with the B-58 Hustler, and was worn with the MBU-5/P. It came with a snap-on brim. Some have snaps on the shell for goggles with straps that incorporate snaps (such as the gold anti-flash goggles). It had a full foam padded liner with a green cover that was secured with velcro along the inside edge. The helmet I have doesn't have the goggle snaps, and the foam has essentially turned to a nasty orange goo. From one account, it was lighter and cooler than the standard helmet of the time (I'd imagine P-4??). I believe they commonly had a small SAC logo on the front and a larger squadron decal on the left side. Darren

Far left, Left and Middle: HGU-9P helmet with its characteristic duck bill and cloth covered foam liner. Right: Label
from the Bill Jack Scientific Instrument Co. Far right: HGU-9P without its duck bill but fitted with G-635 goggles with
golden anti-flash lens. Pictures © Milehigh (four first pics) and MichaelFox (far right).

Message 1462:
Chris, I have what looks like an HGU-16/P only it has white oxygen mask retainers. It isn't marked on the back as an HGU-16 or HGU-16A/P. Any ideas, SteveN AKA FIGMO

Message 1463:
FIGMO,     Not sure offhand about the possible make on that particular HGU-16 type helmet you reference (without seeing more and first-hand), but again this basic Bill Jack/Cal-Mil helmet appears to have been used a number of ways. I think the SAC HGU-9/P was also a variant, as well, at least using a similar interior cushioning system as the Flite Sound and HGU-16/P helmets (distinct lineage associations, to my mind), and the HGU-9/P also had the white Sierra Engineering type receivers fitted.

Message 2491, Jul 21, 2001
Model D10 helmet (I'm not familiar with this model helmet)?!? $49.95 Looks like a Chuck Yeager era helmet
(ebay auction 1148025927)
Cheers, Venz

Message 2492, May 24, 2001
Hi Venz, It looks like an HGU-16/P with that chin strap, but it must be meant for a different type of all-face visor or integrated visor and mask with those "Pull-the-Dot" posts around the face opening. Could it be one of the HGU-numbers missing in the gaps between HGU-2, HGU-16, and HGU-22? Any ideas Figmo?
Cheers, Bluelight

Message 2498, May 24, 2001
Gato, Venz and Members, I believe the helmet, Model D-10, as pointed out as being listed on ebay, is one of several versions offered under the name Flight Sound. I have seen these set up for civilian use ( crop dusting and others ) as well in what seems to be military configurations.
I'm not sure what the connections are, but you may have noticed this type of shell is common to the SPH-1 , SPH-2, HGU-9 and HGU-16. They all share some version of soft foam impact liner covered by cloth, although some utilize separate earcups of one sort or another while others have speaker elements set into the foam itself.
The HGU-9 in my collection [see pictures above in message 202] has a clear tag with the following info :
Bill Jack Scientific Instrument Co.
Helmet Assy AFD10-10C
You will notice the D-10 in the designation similar the Model D-10 being auctioned. Maybe some of the other more "traveled" members of the forum would be willing to talk about any connections etc they are familiar with concerning Flight Sound, Bill Jack, Protection inc. and even Flightsuits Ltd. ( the last being still around obviously ) and how or who the eventually became. This, it seems to me may have been touched on in the past, but a refresher never hurts !
I look forward to any additional info the members could provide.